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My Berlin Blog

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Category: History and Politics

Underground Chambers of Art and Curiosities

The back courtyards of Berlin are full of surprises. A couple of weeks ago I discovered a ‘museum’ of a very different kind – a ...
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Hot Bodies and Dangerous Times

The centre of Berlin was packed with football fans last weekend. They had flown in from all over Europe for the Championship League Final in the ...
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Just the two day ticket

An aerial view of the historic centre of Berlin Last weekend I showed a friend around Berlin on an impromptu first visit. We had wall-to-wall ...
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Bonhoeffer’s Berlin

Today, April 9th 2015, marks the 70th Anniversary of the execution of the famous German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, sentenced to death by Hitler for his ...
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Berlin never forgets

In Germany, Holocaust Memorial Day on 27th January is known as ‘Der Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus’ which translates literally as ‘the ...
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The Lightness of Balloons

In true Berlin style, the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Wall was one big people’s party. The balloons of light were the most wonderful way ...
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